By including aesthetic treatments in its activities, the Oris Group has made the choice not to limit itself to dental care, but also to extend to the smile as a whole.
The filler consists of a series of small infiltrations based on hyaluronic acid that help to solve imperfections such as perioral wrinkles, the bar code of the upper lip, the nasogenian and chin grooves.
The practice of the filler is painless and without particular contraindications and is practiced with expertise by the dentist thanks to his skills linked to experience and constant updating.
The Oris Group has chosen to invest in a more modern and complete dentist figure who does not exclusively deal with chewing functions or caries treatment, but who also takes care of the well-being of their patients because perfectly white teeth are not enough to make a smile, you also and above all need the ability to feel good about yourself and with others.
Feeling beautiful is a right and using the tools that technology and science have made available to resemble as closely as possible the idea we have of ourselves is not a sign of vanity, but the best way to feel good.