The Oris Group is able to provide the following services.
Presentation: the bite is used for bruxism, clenching and grinding.
The dental night mouth guard is a transparent dental appliance made with acrylic resins wearing during the night, between the two dental arches. A device that works as a kind of damper forces between the upper arch and the lower arch.
The use of this dental appliance has multiple functions: the main one is the correction of the problem of Bruxism, a type of disorder that leads to grinding of the teeth until they screech during the night. It is a phenomenon due to the contraction of the chewing muscles, a movement without a specific purpose, often due to periods of intense stress.
The dental night mouth guard acts as a protective barrier between the two dental arches, and allows the wearer not to grind or clench their teeth during the night.
Thanks to the night bite it is possible:
maintain the correct space and the correct distance between the dental arches inside the mouth
protect the enamel from the trauma caused by teeth clamping and rubbing. In fact, continuous rubbing at night can cause abrasion of the tooth enamel and inflammation of the gums
unload the force exerted by the muscles on it rather than on the teeth, thus relaxing the mandibular and cervical muscles. This function is particularly important, as the contraction of the jaw muscles can cause pain in the neck, shoulders, back and trigeminal nerve.
In recent years, the use of the sports bite has become increasingly widespread among athletes of various disciplines: an intraoral device that acts as a cushion between the dental arches, also known as an occlusal plate.
Dental contacts are able to condition the spatial position of the jaw: therefore an incorrect positioning of the same can cause a malocclusion of the mouth and have consequences on posture.
Posture is determined by the set of forces of contraction and relaxation of the muscles of our body that allows us to maintain balance, that is, maximum stability, with minimum energy expenditure. If the positional relationships of the body in space are harmonic, the body is in equilibrium, if they are altered, dysmetria is produced.
The posture is strongly conditioned by the position of the head and the chewing and neck muscles which are closely related to each other and interact directly with the shoulder muscles.
In high-level sportsmen, even a slight variation in balance can translate into variations in the intensity of strength and coordination skills, moreover it can cause the onset of a state of muscular tension that can have a negative impact on the whole body. decreasing overall athletic performance.
Given that in the athletic gesture, therefore, we tend to grit our teeth to try to concentrate all the energy, the presence of an occlusal problem at the masticatory level can create a more or less important imbalance.
The imbalance in a district rarely remains limited but is transmitted along the entire postural chain.
The postural alterations caused, therefore, by a malfunction of the cranio-cervical-mandibular system in some sports subjects can cause a decline in athletic performance and an increase in injuries, sometimes unexplained in particularly trained athletes.
To avoid muscle disorders and performance below your abilities, it is therefore necessary that the upper and lower arches close perfectly.
Here, then, is that the use of the sports bite, eliminating the forces generated by muscle contractures that consume energy without producing useful work, directs all the synergies of the body exclusively to muscle activity dedicated to performance.
Dental surgery or oral surgery is a medical specialization that encompasses the set of surgical interventions related to the resolution of diseases of the oral cavity that cannot be cured with pharmaceutical treatments or simple interventions.
The purpose of dental surgery is to restore oral balance, both from an aesthetic and functional point of view.
This is an operation equal to the extraction of normal teeth; they present some more difficulties because they are located in the posterior areas of the mouth and are sometimes crooked and partially included in the bone. In these cases, the extraction also involves the separation of the roots and the removal of some bone. When the third molars are close to some nerves, the attention of the dentist must be greater but this does not make the wisdom tooth operation impossible or dangerous. Often for the correct planning of wisdom tooth extraction is required to do 3d x-ray , which shows all the details needed for the intervention.
Dental rhizotomy is one of the procedures that can be used to treat trigeminal neuralgia. With dental rhizotomy, the surgeon destroys nerve fibers to reduce pain and can cause some degree of facial numbness. Depending on the case, there are different types of dental rhizotomy which include the injection of glycerol and the compression of the balloon.
Dental apicoectomy is an invasive dental procedure with which the apex of a tooth root, i.e. the few millimeters of the tip, is removed, so as to permanently seal the root canal and avoid having to intervene on the crown as well.
Apicoectomy is performed if the apex is affected by an infection that could not be treated through devitalization; it is therefore an intervention aimed at solving the most difficult cases of dental abscess, periapical granuloma, cysts and other types of problems and pathology, without resorting to tooth extraction.
The term pre-prosthetic surgery refers to the set of techniques for the reconstruction of the maxillary bones in anticipation of implant surgery. There are many reconstructive techniques and they depend on many factors: amount of residual bone, location, anatomy and extent of the defect.
The operation consists in opening a mucous and bony breach in the palate, then connecting an orthodontic wire on the surface of the canine included on one side and the other on an anchoring point applied to the dental arch. The traction force exerted over time on the wire, combined with the contemporary orthodontic therapy in progress, favors the displacement of the canine which is pulled out, disincluded, guided and aligned in the arch.
Frenectomy is a surgical procedure for the removal of one of the frenulum (lingual or labial), which allows to solve various types of problems related to short labial or lingual frenum.
The frenulum is a mucous membrane that connects the lips or tongue to the alveolar mucosa. A frenulum that is too short in the labial position can create various problems, such as leading to the formation of an excessive interdental space. The disorder, if acute, can also lead to the loss of some teeth, with obvious aesthetic damage as well as with non-negligible chewing problems.
In many pediatric subjects, the disorder disappears with growth, in other cases surgery is required.
Surgery with laser technology reduces healing times, bleeding and possible risks, but even that which involves the use of a scalpel is absolutely safe and resolves the problems arising from too short frenulum.
Histology consists in taking a fragment of tissue for analysis under the microscope. The biopsy is done in order to rule out or confirm a suspicion of disease (e.g. inflammation or tumor). The sample taken is first fixed in formalin, then embedded in paraffin, then cut into 2-4 micron thick slices which are fixed on a glass slide and stained. The pathologist evaluates the slide under a microscope and makes the diagnosis.
Many times the prostheses have to be relined, that is, to put back that part of the bone that has been missing / reabsorbed over time. This can be done with a relining of the total or partial prosthesis in resin directly (ie performed in the office / site in 1h) or indirectly (the impression is taken and worked in the laboratory in 24h). Whether to do it directly or indirectly will be decided together with the dentist according to the amount of resorption highlighted.
Things? Presentation of the composite restorations.
The term conservative (from the verb to preserve) suggests the intent to preserve the teeth over time, to avoid resorting to devitalization or dental extraction: in fact, conservative dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with reconstructing the teeth, or parts of them, compromised by fractures or caries, aiming at the functionality and aesthetics of the tooth damaged by these processes. The reconstructions are divided into 1st – 2nd – 3rd – 4th – 5th class.
Conservative dentistry, therefore, is essential to restore dental function and allow the patient to recover the chewing function, preventing the possibility of having to resort to devitalization or an extraction.
Specifically, conservative dentistry often refers to the process of removing caries and the subsequent filling of the dental cavity with materials of various types. Unfortunately, cavities are very common and affect anyone at any age. The causes can be many and it is for this reason that conservative dentistry is very widespread.
Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the care of the endodontum. The endodontium is the internal space of the tooth that contains the dental pulp, like that of a fruit.
In fact, as it could happen with a beautiful fruit that from the outside looks good and juicy, but inside hides a ruined pulp, so it could happen with teeth that keep the integrity of the crown on the outside, but hide cavities or other inside. problems.
Endodontic interventions are used when caries or other trauma has caused an injury to the tooth so deep that it has irreversibly altered the pulp tissue in the endodontium, in some cases even up to nerve necrosis.
The evolution of the tools available to this branch of dentistry today allows you to achieve excellent results and complete healings in most cases and return to having a healthy smile and perfect teeth.
The filler consists of a series of small infiltrations based on hyaluronic acid that help to solve imperfections such as perioral wrinkles, the bar code of the upper lip, the nasogenian and chin grooves.
The practice of the filler is painless and without particular contraindications and is practiced with expertise by the dentist thanks to his skills linked to experience and constant updating.
By including aesthetic treatments in its activities, the Oris Group has made the choice not to limit itself to dental care, but also to extend to the smile as a whole.
The Oris Group has chosen to invest in a more modern and complete dentist figure who does not exclusively deal with chewing functions or caries treatment, but who also takes care of the well-being of their patients because perfectly white teeth are not enough to make a smile, you also and above all need the ability to feel good about yourself and with others.
Feeling beautiful is a right and using the tools that technology and science have made available to resemble as closely as possible the idea we have of ourselves is not a sign of vanity, but the best way to feel good.
Personal hygiene is the first step in the care and health not only of the mouth but of the whole body.
The correct cleaning of the mouth is not guaranteed enough, as we are used to think, by the simple use of a toothbrush and toothpaste as a daily oral cleaning.
Dental cleaning is comparable to traditional household cleaning, while oral hygiene is ideally more comparable to major end-of-season cleaning.
To effectively prevent the need for treatment, it is necessary to go to the dentist at least once or twice a year to carry out a check-up and complete oral hygiene.
The total loss of one or more teeth is called edentulism and the surgical techniques aimed at repairing the damage both at a functional and aesthetic level are implantology.
Many can be the causes that lead to the total or partial loss of teeth, such as caries or other diseases not adequately treated, or other types of trauma, such as bumps or very strong blows.
The evolution of the tools available to this branch of dentistry today allows you to completely restore the original situation in a single session with the immediate load implantology technique that allows the insertion of implants and the application of prostheses during a only surgical operation.
Today it is possible to achieve excellent results and complete healings in most cases and return to having a healthy smile and perfect teeth even in a single session.
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that includes the diagnosis and treatment of anomalies in the position of the teeth and jaw bones.
It is the traditional system for aligning teeth in adults. Once the dental exchange has been completed and the facial growth has ended (between 12 and 13 years in most cases) it is no longer possible to make skeletal changes in a stabilized structure and therefore, to correct the malocclusion, it is necessary to move the teeth mechanically with fixed appliances.
The fixed appliances are composed of a part glued to the teeth (brackets) which houses metal arches in special alloys, suitably modeled. The arches are modified, modeled and replaced, as needed, until the case is concluded. In addition, other components such as rubber bands, springs, screws and external tractions are essential.
Metal brackets can be used, but it is possible to use other materials for making these brackets, such as ceramic. The ceramic brackets, also called “aesthetic” brackets, have a color similar to that of the teeth and therefore are less visible.
Mainly fixed orthodontic appliances are used in cases of severe misalignment of the teeth because they are able to move the dental elements with excellent results.
Invisible orthodontics includes all those orthodontic treatments whose main goal is to be discreet. The idea behind this type of transparent solution is to offer a more aesthetic alternative to traditional metal appliances so that the patient feels more comfortable and self-confident.
We can distinguish a wide variety of types of invisible appliances. Depending on factors such as age, oral needs or purchasing possibilities, it will be more advisable to choose one method or another.
The different invisible dental options that exist can be divided into two families: fixed appliances and removable appliances.
The mobile device is an orthodontic device that can be put on and removed by the patient independently. It is generally used in childhood to carry out orthopedic orthodontic therapies, that is, aimed at modifying the growth of the maxillary and mandibular bones in a programmed manner.
In most cases, the use of removable braces on deciduous teeth does not eliminate the need for subsequent orthodontic therapy with fixed braces, however it can reduce its duration and help achieve a better aesthetic and functional result.
There are three different types of detachable appliances, each with a specific characterization:
- mechanical, uses a force exerted by screws, springs and arches to realign crooked teeth;
- functional, it acts both on the displacement of the teeth and on the development of the jaw bones, managing to correct the malocclusions of the mouth during the age of development;
- restraint, is used to keep the teeth in the position reached at the end of an orthodontic treatment.
The removable device is made in the laboratory on the basis of the patient’s dental impressions. It consists of an acrylic resin part and metal wire elements, which are important both for its stability in the oral cavity and for directing the movement of the teeth.
The mobile device can be removed autonomously by the patient during meals and for ordinary cleaning operations, however, to obtain the desired results it is necessary to wear it from 14 to 18 hours a day.
A therapy with a mobile device can last on average 2 years, but it all depends on the problem to be corrected and the care with which the patient follows the dentist’s instructions.
Until now we have said that mobile appliances are mainly used in infants, but there are types of mobile appliances for the correction of minor dental misalignments that are very popular in adulthood, namely transparent masks.
The periodontium is the supporting tissue of the roots of our teeth, when this part of the tooth is altered, pathological episodes such as gingivitis and periodontal diseases can occur.
Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of the periodontium.
It is not advisable to neglect the onset of these problems since the chronicity of these situations can also lead to the loss of a single tooth or, in the most extreme cases, to its totality.
If gingivitis and periodontal diseases are treated properly, they can be easily resolved and not lead to serious consequences.
Adequate prevention and periodic check-ups will allow you to maintain a healthy smile and perfect teeth.
The branch of dentistry that deals with the care of children’s teeth is called pedodontics.
Check-ups, especially when it comes to children, are very important and should be done more often than adults.
The advisable time for the frequency of check-ups on children is at least once every 6 months. This need is mainly due to the ease with which cavities present themselves on children’s milk teeth. Particularly important in children is education in proper oral hygiene which is the best way to prevent cavities and help to have a life of white and healthy teeth.
There is no real indication as to the right age to take a child to the dentist, although it would be advisable to carry out the first visit in preschool, both to allow the little patient to begin to familiarize himself with his dentist, and to verify that the process of tooth growth proceeds smoothly.
Since we are talking about children, a fundamental part of pediatric dentistry also concerns the patient’s education in the care of their oral hygiene and to have a good relationship with the doctor, in order to prevent any pathological situations before they arise through:
- periodic check-ups
- fluorination (applications of fluoride on the teeth to protect them more from caries)
- dental care
- sealing (protection with the fluid resin for molars and premolars)
- caries treatment
- early assessment of any occlusion defects
- genesis (missing gem or permanent tooth)
To meet the different needs of patients, the Maryland Bridge prosthetic surgery can be proposed in some cases.
This particular medical device is a fixed or temporary dental bridge, indicated in case of loss of central or lateral incisor, both in the lower and upper arch.
The main advantage of the Maryland Bridge is that it provides a simple fixing on the posterior walls of the teeth that are located near the missing element. In this way, the anchoring elements are reduced compared to other prostheses and the replacement tooth is glued to the neighboring teeth by means of two lateral wings.
Furthermore, dental bridges made with the Maryland Bridge technique greatly reduce the risk of the prosthesis being detached.
The Maryland Bridge dental bridge is one of the possibilities in case of temporary or fixed replacement of missing teeth.
The implant prosthesis called Toronto Bridge is a total fixed dental prosthesis, equipped with a flange, or a fixed gingiva. This type of prosthesis is fixed directly, through abutments and osseointegrated dental implants in titanium.
The great advantage of Toronto Bridge dentures is that they are highly customizable and can respond to any aesthetic need of the patient.
The nylon prosthesis is a very light and aesthetic removable artifact that replaces the old skeletons with visible and therefore unsightly metal hooks.
The nylon prosthesis is used in the case of partial edentulism as a temporary prosthesis, while waiting to receive the fixed prosthesis, or as a definitive prosthesis, replacing the traditional skeletons with visible and unsightly metal hooks.
A nylon prosthesis is recommended:
- it is particularly suitable for the implant waiting period, that is, in the time between implant placement and receipt of the final fixed prosthesis;
- in the case of partial edentulism with healthy and strong natural front teeth. The nylon prosthesis can be proposed as a definitive mobile solution, instead of the old skeleton with visible and unsightly metal hooks.
The flexible nylon prosthesis is a mobile prosthesis built with very resistant thermoplastic material, not bulky, non-deformable and highly biocompatible; it does not cause allergies.
It is a removable gingival-supported prosthesis that does not traumatize residual teeth like traditional ones made with metal hooks. The hooks are invisible even up close and are made of a chameleon-like, semi-transparent material that reveals the color of the gums.
The reinforcement mesh is a useful solution to reinforce prostheses, especially in resin, to reduce their structural fragility.
The prosthesis reinforcement mesh is very delicate and requires a contextual design to that of the prosthesis itself. For the dental technician, it is necessary to study the reinforcement project upstream so as to obtain for the patient a product that perfectly complies with the specifications required by the clinician.
The insertion of a ceramic bridge is an alternative to implantology to solve the problem of the lack of one or more teeth through a fixed prosthesis.
The insertion of a fixed prosthesis is carried out by reducing the volume of the teeth adjacent to the missing one which are used as pillars on which to cement an ad hoc product (the bridge) in dental laboratories to replace the lost elements.
Today it is possible to achieve excellent results in most cases and return to having a healthy smile and perfect teeth even in a single session.
In cases of partial or total edentulism, a removable prosthesis must be used.
Mobile prostheses can be total, partial and skeletal.
These are resin and / or metal appliances that rest directly on the gum and therefore easily removable.
The mobile prosthesis involves some inconveniences especially in the first phase of adaptation such as feeling of encumbrance, reduction of taste, poor stability, phonation difficulties, which will however disappear in the short term.
Today it is possible to achieve excellent results in most cases and return to having a beautiful smile and perfect teeth even in a single session.
The skeletal (or skeletal) prosthesis is a type of mobile prosthesis which is used when a certain number of natural elements still remain in the dental arches, or in the case of partial edentulousness.
The missing teeth are replaced by resin elements, now manufactured in various shades of color, to be combined with the residual natural teeth, ensuring effective aesthetics.
The greatest advantage of the partial denture is the considerable reduction in size and excellent stability.
With the skeletonized prosthesis the palate is only minimally covered, preserving the gustatory and thermal sensitivity intact.
Essentially, the skeletonized prosthesis has the same indications as a partial resin prosthesis, even if it is completely different in terms of construction as it is structurally constituted by a dental alloy, generally in chromium-cobalt, highly biocompatible and extremely resistant to the stresses of chewing.
Digital radiology is an essential tool in the diagnostic phase. Radiological techniques are a fundamental tool for highlighting situations of malaise that are not visible to the naked eye.
Digital radiology uses state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to obtain images as clear and precise as possible of the patient’s mouth and teeth, with a low dose of radiogenic emissions.
There are many technologies available for an exact diagnostic evaluation: from classic computerized intraoral radiography, to digital orthopanoramic up to digital CT scan in 3D.
Adapting to the most innovative technologies, in the medical field, is the first step to meet the needs of any patient and always offer cutting-edge services.
Inlays are a valid alternative to direct restorations on teeth damaged by caries or wear.
Today, amalgam fillings (the black patina that is sometimes seen on the surface of a cured tooth) are considered obsolete and unsightly (as well as dangerous in some cases) and whenever you want to get a good aesthetic in the posterior sectors, you they replace with inlays made of composites now comparable to ceramics.
With the inlays it is possible to maintain the vitality of the tooth, restoring its function and aesthetics through an indirect restoration, carried out in the dental laboratory, and cemented by chemical adhesion to obtain greater stability in the appropriately prepared cavity.
Today it is possible to achieve excellent results in most cases and return to having a healthy smile and perfect teeth even in a single session.
More and more people are becoming sensitive to this dental material, due to the release of mercury and also of other metal components in the body. Amalgam is composed, in principle, of metals such as Mercury (about half), of Silver, Tin, Copper and Zinc.
Amalgams continuously release metal ions from fillings found in the oral cavity and the causes for which they occur are: chemically (eg acidic foods and drinks (Ph 3) and / or due to the action of the oral bacterial flora); mechanically (during chewing, spoiled habits such as bruxism and the use of chewing gum); electrolytically (when capsules, bridges, skeletons and amalgam fillings with the release of metal ions such as mercury are simultaneously in the mouth).
The absorption of mercury released by amalgam fillings occurs both from the oral mucosa and through the digestive tract. Mercury accumulates in cell membranes where it accumulates by interfering with metabolism (eg hormonal, enzymatic and hormonal).
Mercury, according to the researchers, seems to be responsible for some diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, many autoimmune diseases and various forms of dermatitis.
Mercury can sometimes cause psychological symptoms such as insomnia, dizziness, asthenia / depression, tremors, loss of appetite, memory loss, nervousness, headaches, coordination difficulties, loss of vision and hearing, instability emotional, kidney damage. These can take years to manifest.
Even the cheeks or gums, near the amalgam fillings, may have a grayish color over time.
The release of mercury can also cause problems on the fetus and it is important to remove it from those women who are looking for a baby.
Unfortunately it can happen that a mobile device can fracture. At our Center it is possible to Repair total or partial resin prostheses (time 24h) and the skeletonized (time depending on the type of fracture that will surely involve a welding).
Dental whitening is the dental procedure that allows you to make your teeth whiter, removing stains and fighting the effects of discoloration.
For teeth that are always white and shiny, it is necessary to repeat the practice of teeth whitening over time.
The products that are used for dental whitening mainly contain hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, used in various concentrations depending on the technique to be used and the needs of the patient. Whitening works thanks to the release of oxygen by hydrogen peroxide or carbamide when it comes into contact with the teeth.
Having clean teeth is not always the same as having white teeth.
Today it is possible to achieve excellent results in most cases and return to having a healthy smile and perfect teeth even in a single session.
It is a technique that allows you to stabilize the position of the teeth at the end of an orthodontic treatment or in the presence of teeth with slight mobility. It is performed using a wire that is fixed on the internal surfaces of the affected teeth. Usually a metal wire or a tape composed of biocompatible fiberglass and resin is used.
Dental splinting is used to maintain and consolidate the result achieved either with orthodontic therapy or with periodontal therapy (pyorrhea). In fact, the teeth are always mobile and this normal mobility is more accentuated at the end of orthodontic therapy or in conditions in which there is reduced bone support. For this reason, splinting is applied in those cases in which it is necessary to activate an immobilization process to stabilize the teeth, preventing them from returning to their original position.